Rapid response for PBS Student Reporting Labs
Following up on our Youth and Politics survey, we have a totally optional video politics Rapid Response. The topic is public office. The NewsHour is producing a profile about Saira Blair, an 18-year-old running for the state House of Delegates – she defeated the 66-year-old Republican incumbent in a primary when she was still 17!
Lead in: Explain that there is an 18-year-old running for the House of Delegates in West Virginia. If she wins, she’ll become the youngest state lawmaker in the nation.
1. Why do you think anyone that young wants to tackle the responsibilities of being a lawmaker?
2. Describe why or why not you could ever imagine yourself running for public office at some point in your life.
If you don’t get a good soundbite, try this:
Even if many young people think voting important, most are probably reluctant to actually run for public office themselves. Why do you think that is?
PSA Critique Class work for Tuesday, September 30.
What makes a good PSA?
On a sheet of paper, answer the following questions for at least 10 PSAs:
List name of PSA
1) What is the purpose?
2) Who is the audience?
3) What is the message?
4) What was the best part of the PSA?
5) What could have been improved?
6) What would you give this PSA on a scale of 1-5 (1=low, 5=high)
7) Did this give you any ideas for your PSA?
Can’t Hear Me from Searider Productions on Vimeo.
Smartphone PSA from Jesse Rosten on Vimeo.
Buckle Up Mobile // PSA from Shaneika Aguilar on Vimeo.
Angry Words from Lia Yamasato on Vimeo.
2011-2012 Curse of the Crinkling from Kasey Emoto on Vimeo.
Try Again from CKTV Media Productions on Vimeo.
Wear Your Safety Gear – Kainalu Tech Club 2013 from kainaluonline on Vimeo.
Be a parent from jennifer suzuki on Vimeo.
mistakes from jennifer suzuki on Vimeo.
Untitled from jennifer suzuki on Vimeo.
Untitled from jennifer suzuki on Vimeo.
Relationships Should Not Be Prisons from jennifer suzuki on Vimeo.
Gang Violence from jennifer suzuki on Vimeo.
Life Is A Test from jennifer suzuki on Vimeo.
A Child Knows There Is No Difference from jennifer suzuki on Vimeo.
domino effect from jennifer suzuki on Vimeo.
Choose “Or Not” from Searider Productions on Vimeo.
Cyber Ninja from Searider Productions on Vimeo.