week 3

Day 1


take this personality test

think about the following questions, write a response as a new post to each question in complete sentences,  and be able to discuss them with a partner:

Do you think the personality test was accurate?

Did it really describe you? Explain.

What did you learn about yourself taking the test?


Partner discussion and group discussion of personality types and why it is important to know who you are and how you think and feel.


Day 2


prepare presentation for class




Day 3


Check blog

You should have completed the following:

1 Joined class

2 gotten rid of all edublogs default information in links, pages, posts

3 change tagline

4 fixed widgets–search, links, pages

5 created an about page

6 created post responding to personality test


Do anything you need to do to get caught up

embed music, video or game

meet with teacher